The Institute "Grimaldi" is located in the province of Ragusa, in Hyblaean,corresponding to the former County of
Modica, in Sicily.
During the last thirty years the modernization of agriculture and the adventof tourism have led radical
socio-cultural changes that have deeply changed the local framework with a growing demand for new professionals intourism / catering and agrifood: in fact, agriculture and animal husbandry that
are the most traditional activities of this area, have been overcome by tourist activity, which involves induced production sectors of a different nature and which has significantly changed the
province and its cultural and gastronomic peculiarities.
The headquarters of the Institute is spread across several buildings surrounded by a magnificent green space, with
large square and local transport facilities. The Institute now has 55 classes, divided into 41 for HoReCa, 5 for agrarian and 9 located in Chiaramonteagriculture and animal husbandry that are the
most traditional activities of this area, have been overcome by tourist activity, which involves induced production sectors of a different nature and which has significantly changed the province
and its cultural and gastronomic peculiarities.
The farm of about 30 hectares is used for teaching exercises. There are herbaceous crops and trees, both in the
open field and in the greenhouse. There are carobs and an olive trees in the vineyard with the planting of native cultivars with the main purpose to preserve the germplasm of these crops. The
school has a botanical garden in the heart of the city in which they were planted many varieties of bamboo from several parts of th world.
The Institute has the following structures, equipment and educational services:
• chemistry and microbiology laboratories
• meristematic micropropagation laboratories
• multimedia computer labs
• language labs
• laboratories of computerized meteorology
• greenhouse
• cooking and pastry labs
• reception activities labs
• food&drink labs
Project-related activities in the school "IPS Principi Grimaldi": SCHOOL
The UDA, a multidisciplinary learning unit Erasmus+ project-related, was introduced in the last
year’s school curricula. The theme of “healthy food” was treated in all school subjects in a cross-curricular approach. A PPT was presented by the students at the end of the school year as a
final product of the UDA, showing the skills and competences acquired through the new, updated educational methodology.
Project-related activities in the school "IPS Principi Grimaldi": FRUIT AND VEGETABLES
The workshop, organized during the last school year, involved several students interested in this
special form of art. Experienced teachers helped them develop skills and creativity to make flowers, vases and other decorations to beautify tables and buffet parties. At the same time, these
works of art make pumpkins, carrots, watermelons and many other fruit and vegetables attractive, enhancing their colours and beauty.
Project-related activities in the school "IPS Principi Grimaldi": HEALTHY
They were introduced in the mid-morning break instead of unhealthy food. The so-called "panino
formativo" was prepared in the school kitchen by students helped by lab assistants. Fresh, local and seasonal products, some of which coming from the school farm, were used. The choice of
ingredients was made by a food science teacher, after careful assessment of the nutritional values of foods. As a result, the sale of chips, fried and fat food was no longer allowed inside the
school premises.
Project-related activities in the school "IPS Principi Grimaldi": SPORTS
They were implemented in our school, thanks to afternoon extra-curricular activities of fencing,
badminton and football. They also aimed at encouraging inclusion and reducing early school leaving.